2.11. Static Analysis

Qiq template files are easily analyzed by static analysis tools such as PHPStan. Only a docblock is required to enable analysis. This docblock is what makes the Template methods, helpers, and variables recognizable by the analyzer.

2.11.1. Enabling Analysis

In each template file to be analyzed, add a docblock to specify a type for $this, using an intersection type of Qiq\Engine and your Helpers object.

You should also be sure to document each variable used in the template file.

In PHP code, the docblock might look like this ...

 * @var \Qiq\Engine&\Qiq\Helper\Html\HtmlHelpers $this
 * @var string $name
Hello <?= $this->h($name) ?>!

... whereas the Qiq syntax might look like this:

{{ /** @var \Qiq\Engine&\Qiq\Helper\Html\HtmlHelpers $this */ }}
{{ /** @var string $name */ }}

Hello {{h $name }}! Custom Typing

If you find that typehint too verbose, your static analyzer may let you define a custom pseudo-type. For example, a PHPStan configuration entry might define this type alias:

        HtmlTemplate: \Qiq\Engine&\Qiq\Helper\Html\HtmlHelpers

Then in your template file docblock, you can specify $this as the custom type:

{{ /** @var HtmlTemplate $this */ }} Mixins

Alternatively, you may wish to extend the Template class itself and specify a @mixin for the appropriate Helpers class. For example:

namespace Project;

use Qiq\Catalog;
use Qiq\Helper\Html\HtmlHelpers;
use Qiq\Template;

 * @mixin HtmlHelpers
class HtmlTemplate extends Template
    public function __construct(
        Catalog $catalog,
        HtmlHelpers $helpers
    ) {
        parent::__construct($catalog, $helpers)

Then in your template file docblock, you can use the extended class name:

{{ /** @var Project\HtmlTemplate $this */ }}

2.11.2. Performing Analysis

If your template files are PHP only, that's enough: you can run static analysis against them as they are in their source locations.

However, for template files with Qiq syntax, you will need to compile the template files to PHP as a precursor to static analysis. To do so, instantiate the Template class that will render the template files, and compileAll() of the template files in the Catalog:

$cachePath = '/path/to/compiled';

$template = Template::new(
    paths: ...,
    cachePath: $cachePath,


You can then run static analysis against the $cachePath directory of compiled template files (not the source template files, since they have non-analyzable Qiq code in them).

Given the above $cachePath example, a PHPStan configuration entry for static analysis of the compiled template files might include an entry like this:

        - /path/to/compiled/

2.11.3. Resolving Analysis Issues

Debugging and resolving issues revealed by static analysis is straightforward.

Because the compiled template files are saved in the $cachePath using the source template file path, it is easy to see which source template file contains the issue.

Further, because the compiled template code lines match the source template code lines, the reported line numbers match up as well.

From there, resolve the issue in the source template file as you would in any other PHP code, recompile, and re-analyze.